Kolkata’s Cautious Tone Reflects Uncertainty Ahead of Lok Sabha Polls

Kolkata’s Cautious Tone Reflects Uncertainty Ahead of Lok Sabha Polls

23rd April 2024 0 By Chanditiya Chakravarthy
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As the Lok Sabha election fervor sweeps across Kolkata, a usually vocal city, residents are treading cautiously when it comes to predicting the outcome. The absence of a clear breeze in the political atmosphere has left many hesitant to express their opinions, despite the completion of the first phase of polling in West Bengal and subsequent phases drawing closer.

Veteran voters and observers note a palpable cynicism among the electorate this time around. Subir Ghosh, a seasoned journalist and longtime voter, remarks on the subdued election tempo, attributing it to the failure of political campaigns to address pertinent issues effectively. “It’s a remarkably quiet affair this time for the ordinary people,” Ghosh observes.

In the streets of Kolkata, signs of the impending elections are slowly emerging, with Trinamool Congress (TMC) flags dominating the landscape, though BJP flags are visible in the outskirts. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s billboards advocating “immersion of anti-Bengal forces” loom over the city, while BJP volunteers distribute pamphlets. However, vocal expressions of political opinions remain subdued in workplaces, teashops, and parks.

Saubhik Mondal, a finance professional, attributes the silence to varying factors, including disinterest among the younger generation and resignation among the middle class. “Voters are very much silent this time, and that is surprising,” Mondal remarks.

Writer Krishna Rajeshwari Mitra interprets the silence as a sign of an impending tough contest. “The mood in the city seems to be tense,” she notes, emphasizing the uncertainty surrounding the election’s outcome.

Indeed, the reluctance to express opinions openly suggests a heightened sense of caution among Kolkata residents. Fear of reprisal from the state or central government has led many to keep their political leanings close to their chests. “This election, at least for now, not many in Kolkata seem to be sure,” the sentiment prevailing among the city’s populace remains one of cautious uncertainty.

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