Pope Francis Describes Sexual Pleasure as a “Gift From God” and Issues Warning About the Dangers of Pornography

Pope Francis Describes Sexual Pleasure as a “Gift From God” and Issues Warning About the Dangers of Pornography

18th January 2024 0 By rahul6743r
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In a recent address, Pope Francis spoke about sexual pleasure, describing it as a “gift from God” and highlighting the potential dangers of pornography. The 87-year-old religious leader emphasized the value of sex as something to be cherished but expressed concern about how pornography undermines this perspective.

During his address, the Pope asserted the need to defend love and cautioned against the battle of lust, stating that overcoming it can be a lifelong endeavor. He warned that pornography could lead to addictive behaviors and emphasized the dangerous nature of lust, describing it as a “dangerous vice.”

“Lust plunders, it robs, it consumes in haste, it does not want to listen to the other but only to its own need and pleasure; lust judges every courtship a bore, it does not seek that synthesis between reason, drive, and feeling that would help us to conduct existence wisely,” Pope Francis explained.

This isn’t the first time the head of the Roman Catholic Church has addressed the perils of pornography. In October 2022, he referred to soft porn as a temptation that weakens the priestly heart, acknowledging the presence of priests and nuns who engage with porn and advising them to eliminate temptation by removing it from their devices.

Pope Francis, known for his progressive views within the Catholic Church, has been open in discussing sexuality-related topics. Last year, he formally approved priests blessing same-sex couples as long as it occurs outside regular Church rituals. He addressed criticism from some priests resisting the new rules, suggesting that resistance may arise from a lack of understanding.

In previous discussions, Pope Francis praised the virtues of sex, considering it one of the beautiful things given to humans by God. He expressed the richness of sexual expression and discouraged anything that detracts from real sexual expression, including masturbation.

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