2 people attacked after argument in Madurai

2 people attacked after argument in Madurai

1st September 2023 0 By Abdul Qadeer
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A scuffle over drinking liquor in a particular area by youths belonging to another community has led to attempts of murder on two persons belonging to both sides in Nilayur on Wednesday.

According to police, an auto-driver M. Dinesh (26) of Nilayur, had objected to few youth consuming liquor near his house on Tuesday. After a heated argument, Dinesh beat up one of them, an 18-year-old boy.

The next day, the minor boy along with four others had waited near a speed breaker and intercepted the auto driven by Dinesh. When he slowed down, they attacked him with a knife at around 11.30 a.m. After first-aid, he was admitted to the Government Rajaji hospital.

Meanwhile, supporters of Dinesh had gone in search of the assailants. Since, they could not find any of them they attacked M. Muthuraj, brother-in-law of one of the assailants, with sharp weapons. He sustained injuries and was admitted to the GRH.

Initially, Muthuraj claimed that he sustained injuries due to a fall, the police grew suspicious as the doctor revealed that the nature of injuries were due to assault with sharp weapons. The Austinpatti police have booked two cases of attempt to murder. In the second case, the police have charged the accused under the provisions of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.

Madurai rural police have arrested few persons from both sides.

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